They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Welcome and Announcements

Act Of Remembrance



Bible Reading: Ephesians 6 v 15

Offering: (Praise )

Children’s Talk:


(Boys and Girls leave for ChurchZone, Bubbles etc) 

Prayer of Intercession 


Sermon: Gospel Sandals



You are very welcome to our service today. As we remember those who gave so much in the cause of freedom.


Mon: 7.00 pm Campaigners: Eagles and Junos

8.00 pm Campaigners: Inters

Wed: 10.00 am Kells Tots

8.00 pm Joint Midweek in Kells

Thurs: 10.00 am Ladies Bible Study

7.00 pm CE in Kells

Sun: 10.45 am SundayZone and Bible Class

11.30 am Prayer Meeting (Choir Room)

12 Noon Morning Worship

6.00 pm Prayer Meeting (Choir Room)

6.30 pm Campaigner Enrollment Service

Additional Announcements

The Community Remembrance Service will be held at the War Memorial at 3pm this afternoon.

Forthcoming Events

Sunday 19th November at 6.30pm Campaigner Enrollment Service

Friday 1st December Young At Heart Big Breakfast

The Church Christmas Dinner will be on Saturday 16th December at 7pm in the church hall. Cost £21 per head ; ½ potions available @£11.50 ; chicken nuggets and chips, ice cream for young children £7.50. Please sign the sheets in the vestibule or on coffee dock re the menu and pick your choice . Payment to be made to Margaret or Robin Fowler asap. Cheques to be made payable to Iris Farmhouse Cuisine.

Sunday 17th December 12 noon Christmas Family Service conducted by Children and Young People; 6.30 pm Carol Service

Wednesday 20th December Carol Singing Around The Villages